Broomhill Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Curriculum Intent
Broomhill has worked hard to develop a bespoke curriculum that is broad and balanced taking into account our school’s individual characteristics and community, where our approach to learning is 'keep up, not catch up'. Our curriculum is designed to ensure maximum engagement through a range of activities and tasks that brings the learning to life, making the learning journey exciting, purposeful and meaningful for every child. We build children’s aspirations demonstrating possibilities for their future learning and lives. Our school values underpin all that we do in school to foster independence and enable our children to develop their skills and knowledge. High expectations in speech, language and communication strengthen children’s ability to learn at a deeper level, allowing them to articulate their learning; demonstrating quality thinking and application of skills and knowledge. Physical and mental well-being are prioritised within our curriculum allowing children opportunities to experience and exhibit spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
Curriculum Implementation
Our carefully crafted curriculum balances the national expectations and encompasses a range of experiences allowing our children to make at least expected progress and reach their full potential. Clear strategic planning allows the curriculum to be dynamic and adapt to the context of the school and children’s needs. The curriculum has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong cross curricular links. Inviting classroom environments stimulate and encourage quality thinking and reasoning. A form of explicit daily, weekly and medium term planning is responsive to children’s needs; incorporating holistic approaches to teaching and learning. On-going CDP and coaching supports all staff to further develop curriculum pedagogy. Our detailed marking policy is implemented consistently and allows opportunity for the children and staff to discuss feedback which enables learning to move on and address any misconceptions. Expectations and outcomes for subjects are clear, enabling staff the best opportunity to ensure all children meet their targets. Staff are expected to monitor progress regularly and, as a result, can differentiate learning tasks, scaffold work, and adapt planning to meet the needs of individuals.
Curriculum Impact
We use rigorous, triangulated monitoring throughout the year to gauge the impact of the curriculum design which is reviewed regularly and adapted to suit the needs of our children. Alongside senior leadership and middle leadership, the subject leaders monitor their subjects: reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing individual feedback to move practice forward, celebrating positives and highlighting areas of development. Our whole school team strengthen our ethos and vision as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes driving forward next steps. Curriculum coverage and progress are not confused when we assess our children. Learning is measured through careful analysis of the application of skills across the curriculum. Class teachers and leaders conduct performance analysis which involves monitoring and measuring performance of individual and school targets. This enables us to know: exactly where the children are in their learning, the impact of our curriculum and identify any gaps. As a result, children make at least good progress academically, socially and emotionally ensuring they are prepared with the skills and knowledge they need to continue on your leaning journey.
Please see our inclusion page to see how we ensure our curriculum is accessible for al pupils. Please refer to our policy page for our equalities policy.
Please see below the curriculum overview for each year group. If you need to obtain additional information on the curriculum, in the first instance speak to the class teacher, for further information please contact the relevant subject lead (this can be found on the who's who page).
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Please see links to the National Curriculum and English Programmes of Study below.
RE Curriculum
Term 1 - Judaism and Harvest
Year 3 - Judaism Day Year 4 - Judaism Day
Year 6 Judaism Day
The whole school went to the church, St Peters, to participate in a Harvest service, led by the Reverend.
Term 2 - Islam
Year 4 - Islam Day
Term 3 - Hinduism
Year 3 - Hinduism Day Year 4 - Hinduism Day
Year 5 - Hinduism Day Year 6 - Hinduism Day
Term 4 - Christianity and Easter
We went to the St Peters for our Easter Service, led by the Reverend.
Term 5 - Sikhism
Term 6 - Buddhism
As part of our Buddhism day, all the children participated on some Buddhism meditation.
Year 3 - Buddhism Day