Uniform Information
School Uniform
At Broomhill, we believe that a unified uniform, with all children wearing school uniform plays a key role in creating a sense of belonging. For this reason, the expectation is that children wear uniform at all times. We understand that children like to be individual and express themselves, however, we need to also prepare them for their next stage in education where there will be no exception to uniform.
School uniform is as follows:
- White blouse, shirt or polo shirt
- Black/grey skirt or black/grey trousers or shorts
- White or black socks
- Royal blue jumper, cardigan or sweat shirt
Things to take a note of:
- Children are required to wear black school shoes or all black trainers. Colourful trainers are not considered as school uniform and children we be asked to have them replaced if they continually wear them.
- No jeans or tracksuit bottoms are to be worn.
- If children wear hoodies, this is perceived as an outdoor 'coat' and therefore should be taken off when inside.
- Hoods or caps should never be worn inside the school building.
- Bright hair colours are not deemed appropriate for school. This includes hair sprays, dyes and extensions.
- We do not allow children to wear acrylic nails as these can be dangerous to other pupils when they are taking part in PE and playing outside at lunch and break times.
In warm weather children may prefer to wear a striped or checked dress in blue and white in your own choice of style. Also, during the hot month’s children may prefer short sleeved shirt/tee shirt and possibly plain dark shorts.
A stock of school jumpers, cardigans, sweatshirts and polo shirts, sizes 28" chest up to small adult, complete with school name embroidered or school logo printed, is kept at school. Please contact the school office if you wish to purchase a garment(s). Please see the link below for information regarding prices.
During the cold months we do expect children to come in appropriately dressed for the weather so coats must be worn.
Apart from specific medical jewellery, watches and one small stud earring per ear, no jewellery is allowed. Hooped earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets can be very dangerous at playtimes and during PE and games sessions therefore should never be worn. If a child arrives at school wearing any of these items they will be asked to remove them. The item of jewellery will be stored in the safe until the end of the school day and then taken home. Expensive jewellery and toys can also be lost or stolen. Please do not allow your children to bring these items into school as we cannot accept responsibility for them.
Other Items
School cannot take responsibility for any items that are brought into school. We understand that some children wish to bring in phone and watches. Phones and watches (with cameras) will be collected by class teacher at the start of every day. These will be the children's responsibility to collect at the end of the day. We of course do our best to monitor belongings but our priority is the children's safety and learning.
PE Kits
All children will need the colour t-shirt that represents the house that they are in (red, green or yellow) and black shorts/leggings for PE. Leotards can be worn for gymnastics and dance. P.E. kit can be kept in school and taken home when it needs washing. For outdoor games lessons, all children will need trainers. Where possible, these should be black or dark in colour. A warm top, tracksuit and football boots are desirable for the winter months. Please label all clothing, which is liable to be changed at school, with your child's name and please send P.E. kits into school in an additional bag. This may even require a separate bag for dirty shoes, i.e. football boots, or muddy trainers.
For swimming, swimming trunks/costume (one piece), towel and plastic bag will be required. Children with long hair will need swimming hats or a hair band. We ask that this is also sent into school in an additional bag.
If your child/children are not in school uniform, they will be questioned on it. Therefore, if your child/children can not adhere to the school uniform requirements at any point, we require a letter from the parent explaining: why your child is not in uniform, and what time period you expect this to be sorted by.