Rewards and Incentives
At Broomhill, we encourage positive behaviour through rewarding positive choices. We have a range of ways that we do that:
Individual Rewards
Dojos are used in our school as an individual reward system. Each child receives a ‘Reward’ booklet This is broken down into levels. At each level, the children can exchange their points for a prize. To receive a Bronze prize, a child will need to reach 200 Dojo points; Silver Prize - 400 points; Gold prize - 800 points and a Platinum prize – 1300 points. These prizes are displayed on the display in the hall for all to see.
House (value) Points
We have three houses at BJS: Scarlett, Emerald and Gold. Each child is placed into a house on entry to the school and stays in that house for the remainder of their time at the school. Children can be awarded with house (value) points for demonstrating any of the 7 school values. The race for winning the house points is visible in the hall and is shared in celebration assembly at the end of every term. The winning house at the end of the term get rewarded.
VIP of the week
Once a week a VIP assembly is held. This is a chance to celebrate all the achievements from the children from that week, where certificates are given. This also includes any successes from outside of school also, e.g. medals. During this assembly, one child from each class is chosen by the class teacher as someone who has stood out that week for demonstrating which ever school value was the focus.
Celebration Assembly
At the end of every term, each class teacher selects children from their class for different awards. These awards are presented to them during the celebration assembly, where their parents are invited along. The first time children receive the value award, they would receive Bronze, then silver and finally Gold. This system carries through their journey at Broomhill, with the aim of reaching Gold by the time they leave year 6. In the assembly also, children are selected for their achievements in sportsman ship and 100% attendance. The winning class for attendance that term gets to come to school in non-school uniform on the last day of term.
Reading Rewards
Our aim is to encourage children to read and get engrossed in as many books as possible, from a range of different genres. For this reason, we have a reading reward system, where children are rewarded for the amount of times they read across the year. The amount of times is evidenced in their reading logs.
The rewards are as follows:
25 times read : Certificate
50 times read: Certificate + sticker
75 times read: Certificate + book mark
100 times read: Certificate + reward time
125 times read: Certificate + fridge magnet
150 times read: Certificate + keyring
175 times read: Certificate + tea / soft drink and cake with the Headteacher
225 times read: Certificate + a voucher to spend on a book