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Broomhill Junior School

Growing Together

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Victim Support

Support available for victims of domestic/ sexual abuse

Do you feel worthless? 

Do you feel isolated? 

Does it feel like your life isn’t your own? 

Does someone else have control of you, your finances or your life? 

Do you worry about being at home with that person or do they question your every movement while you’ve been away? 

Has the lockdown situation made life more difficult because you don’t get a moment to yourself?


Domestic Abuse doesn’t have to be violent.


How BJS can support:


We know that during the lockdown statistics are showing a huge increase in domestic violence. Sometimes it is really hard for people in this position to seek help. There has been a national drive to support victims and a way for them to get help. There is a code word ‘ANI’ that can be used when you go into participating pharmacies.  


To support this and offer this help, we will also be using the same code work here at Broomhill Junior School. If you are in need of help, you can call the school, speak to a member of staff or send a message into the school and ask for ‘ANI’ leaving a time and day that is best for us to contact you. The school will then contact you and ask for you to come in and attend a meeting, giving you a private place to talk. If you are unable to come alone, whilst on school site, ask to use the toilet and we will be able to talk to you alone without anyone else around.




Next Link are continuing to accept referrals and provide telephone support. Next Link domestic abuse telephone help lines are open 10am – 4pm Monday to Friday 0117 925 0680  outside of these times an out of hours service is operated. Details of live chat and other services available on the website


Victim Support: Telephone helpline T 0300 3031972 or T 07432 504692 Available Mon, Wed and Fri 09.30-17.30 and Tues and Thurs 11.00am-19.00. The national helpline is open 24/7 T 0808 1689111. Support for male victims is available from Victim Support: T 07432 504692 or email: bristolmens.dasupport@victimsupport


SARSAS helpline for victims of sexual abuse is open see for details


Woman Kind provide a telephone listening support service call T 0117 9166461 or T 0345 4582914. You can email them on


The Bridge (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) For victims of rape, sexual assault or sexual abuse. Telephone anytime: T 0117 3426999. The website which is available in a number of different languages is 




National Domestic Abuse helpline phone number 0800 2000247 and website


Mankind 01823 334244 National helpline for male victims


NSPCC provide a 24/7 helpline for children who are experiencing domestic abuse at home and want to talk confidentially. Telephone  T 0808 800 5000


The Hideout is a Women’s Aid online resource for children and young people providing information, support and an email service via the website:


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* (LGBT) Domestic Violence Helpline 0800 999 5428 see for further details

Support available for victims of domestic/ sexual abuse
