The governing body has three core functions:
- to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- to hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- overseeing the school’s financial performance and making sure its money is well spent.
In practise this means we work closely with the headteacher (and where appropriate the Local Authority) to:
- Determining the strategic direction of the school.
- Appoint and performance manage the headteacher.
- Monitoring the performance of the school and agreeing targets to raise standards of achievement.
- Ensuring the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils.
- Ensuring all pupils have equal opportunities.
- Assisting with the appointment and employment of teaching and non-teaching staff.
- Contributing and ratifying school policies.
- Ensuring the school site is well maintained, safe and secure.
- Monitoring the school budget.
- Dealing with complaints about the school.
In addition to the Full Governing Body (FGB) which meets five times during the school year, there are two governing body committees, each meeting four times a year:
· Achievement and Curriculum Committee (Chair: Mrs Rachel Browning)
· Finance, Premises and People (Chair: Dr Savi Flaecher)
Broomhill Statutory Governor Information
Broomhill Governors Meeting Attendance Information
Broomhill's governing body is made up of 9 members:
Melina Smith - Head Teacher
Leanne Simpson - Clerk
Mair Allen - Chair / Parent (Health and Safety and Maths - supporting)
Rachel Browning - Vice Chair / Co - opted (Safeguarding / Child Protection and E-Safety)
Jon Stone - Co-opted (Pupil Premium / Science)
Kirsty Dearman - Parent (Reading)
Michelle Keefe - Parent (Maths)
Dr Savi Flaecher - Co-Opted (Writing)
Kassim Hanid - Local Authority (SEN)
Sarah Gardner - Staff