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Broomhill Junior School

Growing Together

School Logo


School Ethos – Growing Together

We believe that every child is entitled to a learning journey that is fun, creative and develops the whole child to be successful citizens that are prepared to face ant challenge. We are fully inclusive school where everyone in our school community is treated as an individual, and given the opportunity to develop their independence, skills and knowledge to enable them to be the best they can be and continue on their learning journey.


‘Growing Together’ as an individual, a team, a school and a community’

Welcome Message


We are really pleased to welcome you to the Broomhill Junior School website. The website contains all the information you need to know about us and who we are.  


We are a two form entry Junior school, with the most amazing outdoor space, which includes a huge field, a pond and polytunnels for growing our very own fruit and vegetables. We are lucky to have a very skilled staff, who aim to make the curriculum they deliver as, creative, fun and engaging as possible. Life at Broomhill is never boring and our children are exposed to a range of experiences which are memorable and stay with them for life. 


We understand that every child is an individual and we make it our mission to ensure that all children reach their full potential. 'Growing Together' is the ethos that we foster. There is a focus not only on academic achievement but also on developing emotional well-being and as a result children make at least good progress by the time they leave us in year 6. As a school we truly believe in our seven values (resilience, responsibility, inclusion, respect, collaboration, creativity and resourcefulness) and that they allow children to become well rounded individuals who become life long learners and can flourish into citizens that make a positive contribution to society. Our children work hard and try their best and in turn are rewarded for their successes as well as their positive attitudes.  


Broomhill prides itself on being an inclusive school where there are no limits placed on what our children can achieve. We will work closely as a team, parents, with other professionals and our Infant school to ensure our children have the opportunity to be the best they can be. Parents are key to and we appreciate you know your children best and therefore work closely with parents to ensure we meet the needs of the children who attend Broomhill.  


If you do require any additional information or just want to speak to someone, please do get in contact with us. We are always happy to answer any questions and more than happy for you to arrange a time to visit the school. 






