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Broomhill Junior School

Growing Together

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Safeguarding at Broomhill

Broomhill Junior School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.


Our school will support every member of the school community through:

  1. Fostering a caring, safe and positive environment

  2. Encouraging self-esteem, resilience and independence

  3. Effectively tackling bullying and harassment

  4. Promoting all aspects of the relevant policies including Equality Act 2010 and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2020



It is the responsibility of every member of the school community, including staff, parents, visitors and governors, to behave in a way that safeguards our children at all times. This responsibility includes a duty to report any safeguarding concerns.

If you are concerned

If you are concerned about the welfare of any child or vulnerable person, please contact the school and request to speak to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL). If unavailable, please request to speak with the deputy DSL or a member of our pastoral team.

0117 977 5120



Melina Smith (DSL)                Meg Collett (Deputy DSL)             Claire Wassell (Deputy DSL)                                            




If you think a child is in immediate danger, you should contact the police or Bristol City Council First Response Team:

0117 903 6444 

or Out of Hours: 

01454 615 165


If children would like to seek support, they should contact:

Childline 0800 1111


Keeping safe online

The internet is a fantastic resource and forms a huge part of daily life; it will only continue to grow too! Here at Broomhill Junior School, we promote using the internet enjoyably and safely to support learning and development - from research, to games, to online homework and learning! E-Safety underpins all of this and is a vital part of our education. Mrs Ogden is our E-Safety Lead. She can be contacted with any queries or for further information.

Stop Speak Support

Created for young people by young people this code gives tips on simple ways to step in and stop cyberbullying if you see it happening online.

Further resources and guidance


If you are concerned about online behaviour, visit The Child Exploitation and Online Protection website for advice and support:


360 Safe


Broomhill Junior School is a 360 Safe School. We use a program which helps us to constantly assess and improve our provision for online safety across the curriculum. For more information, please visit


Schools have an obligation to implement PREVENT duty. This section will provide more information about what PREVENT is and what it looks like at Broomhill Junior School. 


What is the PREVENT strategy?

PREVENT is a government strategy designed to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorist or extremist causes. The PREVENT strategy covers all types of terrorism and extremism, including the extreme right wing, violent Islamist groups and other causes.


From July 2015 all schools (as well as other organisations) have a duty to safeguard children from radicalisation and extremism. 



Our school believes fully in the importance of providing a safe space for pupils to discuss issues so that they understand how best to protect themselves and their peers. It is vital that children have an environment where they feel safe to have these challenging discussions as well as express their own thoughts and opinions. The PREVENT approach at Broomhill Juniors is very much part of our curriculum, culture and processes and is embedded across all lessons, including assemblies. We aim to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils, as well as British values such as democracy and challenge prejudice. Mrs Smith is our PREVENT lead and coordinates this work as part of her responsibility for Safeguarding. 


For more information, please visit:

